Thursday 28 May 2020

Get Fit Post Lockdown

What a year so far. 2020 will be remembered for a long time. The past 2 months have been a test of patience and spirit - for an individual, the society and the nation. There is so much we are now understanding which is a direct consequence of the lockdown. Our lives have turned upside down or could turn upside down, compass bearings seem to be lost. In the midst of all this turmoil, I am advocating to Get Fit and Stay Fit. 

Visit any social media platform - #Instagram, #Facebook, #Tiktok from the past 2 months and the amount of content created on fitness, exercise, diet has been huge. People from all walks of life have been advocating and giving their two bits. 

All for a good cause. You see, the lockdown and post lockdown are going to test your physical and mental perseverance like never before. You will need to keep calm as you brace for challenges (real and imaginary), trying to sort and shuffle fact from fiction, digest vast tracks of media, opinions and news into something real and understandable. It will not be easy.

So, if you missed working out during the lockdown, dont despair, here's is your opportunity. Start now, better late than ever. 

People have this skewed notion that fitness is about physical exercise. While this is true to an extent, fitness is more than that. A set of concise, precise physical movements with our without additional aids is usually the definition of exercise. It improves your physical and mental prowess. But, it is also essential to maintain a good diet and to nourish your mind. Just as you need to be careful about what you eat, you need to be mindful about what you feed your mind. 

Here are a few suggestions, I trust you will find them helpful

1. Start simple exercises - Based on your level of fitness and medical health, keep it simple. Walking, cycling, push ups, planks, many options. You need to choose what works for you 
2. Build a routine - Try to keep a time for your exercise. Early morning, after work, before dinner. 5 days a week, 3 days a week, 7 days a week - Your time, your choice.
3. Create Habit - When you absorb something as part of your routine, you end up making it habit. Brushing your teeth, cutting your nails are some examples. So, shouldn't exercise also be a habit? 
4. Feed your mind - Does it make sense to have the news channel blaring 24/7. I think not. It is terribly boring to watch the same news again and again, in some cases, depressing even. So, once you have a good idea of the news and whats happened yesterday and today, turn off the news channel.
5. Detox your time - Try digital detox. Keep the phone away. Your stock broker, your banker, you insurance advisor is not your friend. He wants something from you and you need to command respect of your time. Not all mails need an urgent reply. Some can wait.
6. Nourish your mind - Spend some quiet time enjoying the sunrise, sunset, a few moments of solitude or moments of pure bliss with family, but believe me this is important. Its the health food for your brain
7. Go to sleep - stop binge watching shows/movies on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney, TV etc. It felt like a good idea when the lockdown started, but isnt it getting stale now? In case you cant sleep, try picking up a book, any book. When was the last time you read?

As an individual, as a society and a nation, we need to be strong and build ourselves a better future. We owe it our selves, our parents and our kids. 


  1. Rajiv your blog is so inspiring motivating based on facts which are doable. I need to be strong to give back a better future to everyone

    1. Thank you so much, very kind words, I truly appreciate the feedback

  2. Great !! Factual realistic approach is the name of the Post !!

    1. Thank you Deepak for the encouraging words. Truly appreciate it
