Thursday 28 December 2017

Gift of the forest - Kodaikanal

Kodaikanal – often referred to as the princess of hill stations has a long history as a retreat and popular tourist destination. Origins of the name are unclear but some say the name translates into “Gift of the Forest”. Nothing could be further from the truth. Situated at a height of 6998 ft. or 2133m, this hill station has a lot to offer for all. My favourite place in Kodaikanal is the lake which is at the heart of the town. This 5km lake has a lot of activities happening during the day. Visitors can choose from boating, cycling, and horse riding among others to keep themselves busy.
December is one of the best month to visit Kodaikanal as the rains have passed and the lake is filled to the brim. Seasonal waterfalls are now roaring in full glory and many a treks and trails await the wanderer, the seeker, the adventurer.
One of my favourite activities when I visit Kodaikanal is cycling and there is no better place than the lake. The road around the lake is 5km of flat land with private bungalows and estates on one side of the road. 7am is a quiet time as the town is just waking up. Roads are clear and traffic is sparse. It also means the occasional Bison has made his way to the forests and your chances of running into one are slim. (That’s another adventure for another timeJ)
7am, 9 degrees… I am with Jayant, a colleague and friend who also likes cycling. We have taken our resort cycles. These are non-geared Ti Mach City cycles and they are perfect for our morning exercise. A little bit about these cycles – I like the Mach City, they are great for city use, relatively hassle free and easy to maintain.
We started out from our resort – Sterling by the lake which is conveniently located approx.: 500m from the lake. When you start out, it is cold and you wish you were back in bed, but keep at it for a kilometre and you get used to it. We did two laps for a total of 10.5km in under an hour. Believe me, it is a great way to start your day in Kodaikanal.

The whole time, I was not worried about the pace as I also saw this as an opportune time to take some photos. The beauty of the lake as the morning mist starts to lift is magical.
Seeing an abandoned boat, and slightly further an abandoned boat dock, you can certainly let your imagination run wild. Mystery, a quest for history, crime, thriller, horror…the genre is limitless for the imaginative mind. 

I could go on and on about the beauty of Kodaikanal, but I believe a picture says a thousand words, so I sign off with another picture and one word..…beautiful!

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